

Mining insights to boost client engagement

A leading bank tasked the Behaviour Change Agency to skilfully boost client engagement.


  • Evidence-based research
  • Behavioural insights
  • Behavioural strategy
  • Behaviourally informed messaging
  • Behaviourally driven intervention design
  • M&E

The social issue

This project sought to get clients to re-evaluate their relationship with money. The initial focus was on life insurance, with the ultimate aim being to positively influence savings behaviour and inculcate a savings culture. This resonates with BCA’s ethos of changing behaviours, changing lives.

The challenge

Boost client engagement.


Used behavioural science and linguistics to identify effective, evidence-based methods of communicating with clients in their ‘language and idiom’ (transformative language which resonates).


Developed and tested nuanced messaging to increase client engagement with behaviour change communication materials.

The Intervention

Our language-driven intervention focused on A/B testing to pinpoint the behavioural insights (present bias, emotion, empathy, trust, simplicity and salience) that would support an increase in client engagement.

In this instance, A/B testing was used to isolate specific email elements that engaged clients. Message development centred on email subject lines and the type of content most suited to effect behaviour change.

The main measures used were the unique clickthrough rate (CTR) and the unique open rate, which enabled client engagement with the emailer to be evaluated.

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The Impact

The results indicated that applying behavioural insights increased open rates, both gross and unique.

The Impact

The results indicated that applying behavioural insights increased open rates, both gross and unique.

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